Film of the tour

About the Tour

It´s about a tour of 6300 kilometres through southern Europe with a synthetic Diesel fuel which reduces CO2 by up to 90%. In the report linked below, technical issues and social questions about mobility are analysed. The report linked below looks like a diploma thesis ;-). Nevertheless, it should be noted that this was a holiday trip. The reader finds a rational analysis with figures, supplemented by beautiful holiday pictures.


Select your national language. There you will find a press release and an abstract with a travel analysis and on the topic of mobility in general. There is also one folder with press photos. Please reference to eFuelsNow. You find the press release in every language, but not the abstract. Don´t hesitate to write us. Then we send it to you in other languages too (

You can make a screenshot of our map with gas stations here . You can also use the film for your article !

Picture downloads below. Please reference to eFuelsNow.

Press release

Abstract with analysis of the tour


Zusammenfassung und Tour-Analyse

communiqué de presse

Résumé avec une analyse du tour

Comunicato stampa

Sintesi con analisi del tour

Questo diario di viaggio è stato tradotto automaticamente con il software „DeepL“ e non è stato controllato. Può contenere errori di traduzione.

comunicado de prensa

Resumen con un análisis de la gira

El diario de viaje ha sido traducido automáticamente con el programa ‚DeepL‘ y no ha sido revisado. Puede contener errores de traducción.

komunikat prasowy

Podsumowanie z analizą trasy

Dziennik podróży został przetłumaczony automatycznie za pomocą oprogramowania „DeepL“ i nie został sprawdzony. Może zawierać błędy w tłumaczeniu.

tisková zpráva

Shrnutí s analýzou prohlídky

Zpráva o cestě byla automaticky přeložena pomocí softwaru „DeepL“ a nebyla zkontrolována. Dokument proto může obsahovat chyby v překladu.


Összefoglaló és túraelemzés

Sajnos nincs magyar nyelvű fordítás.

HVO on Italian gas stations – demonstration of the high enegry density (Film in German Language)